Unlocking the Secrets of Patrick Devine’s Teachings: A Path to Financial Freedom

Patrick Devine was a pioneering figure in the field of financial sovereignty and legal strategy. His teachings have empowered countless individuals to take control of their finances and understand the complex relationship between commerce, law, and personal sovereignty. In this blog post, we’ll dive into some of his most significant contributions, particularly his methods for achieving financial independence.

Who Was Patrick Devine?

Patrick Devine was a passionate advocate for educating the public on how to navigate the legal and financial systems. His work focused on understanding the hidden rules of commerce and how to reclaim one’s financial power. Many of his followers have used his methods to challenge debt, manage personal and business finances effectively, and protect their assets.

Key Concepts from Patrick Devine’s Teachings

  1. Understanding the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) Devine emphasized the importance of mastering the UCC, as it governs commercial transactions in the United States. He believed that by understanding and correctly utilizing the UCC, individuals could protect themselves from financial exploitation.Actionable Tip: Learn how to file a UCC-1 Financing Statement and secure your assets against claims. This is one of Devine’s core teachings for maintaining financial sovereignty.
  2. The Power of Trusts According to Devine, creating a trust is one of the most effective ways to secure personal wealth. Trusts offer a way to manage assets and protect them from liabilities and taxes.Actionable Tip: Consider establishing a private trust to hold assets such as real estate, business interests, and other valuables. Devine’s methods involve setting up these structures in a way that benefits the grantor, trustee, and beneficiaries.
  3. Bills of Exchange and Negotiable Instruments Devine taught that understanding and using negotiable instruments, such as bills of exchange, can help individuals manage debts and reclaim value within the financial system. His approach involved using these instruments strategically to offset debt and enhance financial standing.Actionable Tip: Start researching how bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments can be used in your personal or business financial strategies.
  4. Sovereignty and Legal Status One of the core ideas Devine discussed was reclaiming personal sovereignty through a legal framework. He believed that by correcting one’s status and asserting rights under common law, individuals could free themselves from the constraints of statutory systems.Actionable Tip: Investigate the process of status correction and see how this might apply to your financial and legal standing. Patrick Devine’s teachings on this subject can offer a roadmap to navigating statutory limitations.

Many individuals who have studied Patrick Devine’s teachings have reported significant success in using his strategies to resolve debt, reclaim assets, and achieve financial independence. By applying his concepts to your life, you can take steps towards greater control over your financial destiny.

Final Thoughts

Patrick Devine’s teachings continue to inspire and guide those seeking financial freedom. His insights into law, commerce, and sovereignty offer a roadmap for anyone interested in taking control of their financial future. By learning these concepts and applying them wisely, you can break free from traditional financial constraints and thrive in today’s economy.

How Patrick Devine Would Obtain a Foreign Grantor’s 98 EIN Without Using an SSN

Patrick Devine was a master at navigating the intricacies of financial sovereignty, and one of the strategies he shared was how to obtain a Foreign Grantor’s 98 EIN (Employer Identification Number) without using a Social Security Number (SSN). This process can help you establish financial independence, protect your assets, and create a legal entity that operates outside of the traditional U.S. jurisdiction. In this post, we’ll explore how Patrick Devine would have approached the creation of a Foreign Grantor’s 98 EIN in a foreign country—without relying on a U.S. SSN.

Why Avoid Using an SSN?

Patrick Devine often emphasized the importance of separating personal identifiers—like your SSN—from your financial and legal entities. An SSN is a domestic identifier tied to the U.S. financial system. Using it to create a foreign entity weakens the independence of that entity, bringing it back under U.S. jurisdiction. By avoiding the SSN, you ensure that the entity is genuinely foreign, maintaining a higher level of financial privacy, sovereignty, and protection.

Steps to Obtain a Foreign Grantor’s 98 EIN Without an SSN

Patrick Devine advocated for a specific approach when applying for a Foreign Grantor’s 98 EIN, ensuring that the entity remains foreign and independent from personal domestic identifiers. Below is a step-by-step guide based on his teachings.

1. Create a Foreign Trust or Entity

First, establish the foreign grantor trust in a country of your choosing. This is important, as the trust will act as the foreign entity that is granted the 98 EIN. Make sure that all documentation and structures reflect the foreign nature of the entity. This can be done by using a foreign trustee, foreign addresses, and ensuring the trust holds foreign assets.

  • Choose a country with strong privacy laws and favorable regulations for trusts.
  • Have a foreign trustee act on behalf of the trust to further solidify its foreign status.

2. Complete IRS Form SS-4

The next step is to complete IRS Form SS-4, which is used to apply for an EIN. Patrick Devine was careful to fill out this form in a way that clearly indicated the trust’s foreign nature. Here’s how you would fill it out:

  • Enter the name of the trust or foreign entity.
  • Enter the foreign address of the trust, ensuring that no U.S. address is associated with the application.
  • For the responsible party, list the foreign trustee or the trust creator (grantor), using a foreign address.
  • Mark the entity as a Foreign Trust.
  • For Line 9b: Select “Other” and specify “Foreign Grantor Trust.”
  • Do not use your SSN to remain as private as possible!
  • Use a location address that is foreign to the uSA
  • Use a domestic private mailing address so that you receive the confirmation notice from the IRS

Important: Do not fill in any section requesting an SSN or ITIN. By law, the IRS cannot demand an SSN for a foreign entity or trust, and Patrick Devine would have avoided linking the trust to any domestic identifiers to preserve its foreign status.

3. Call the IRS International EIN Department

Instead of mailing in the form, Patrick Devine often advised directly contacting the IRS International EIN Department to expedite the process. Here’s how you would approach the call:

  • Call the IRS International EIN Department at their international phone number.
  • Clearly state that you are applying for a 98 EIN for a foreign grantor trust and that you will not be using an SSN.
  • Emphasize that the entity is foreign, and as such, no SSN is applicable or required under U.S. tax law.

The IRS will often process the application over the phone, and you should receive the EIN immediately.

4. Provide Necessary Documentation

If the IRS requests supporting documentation, be prepared to provide:

  • Foreign Trust Agreement: Show that the entity is foreign, and that it operates under the laws of a foreign jurisdiction.
  • Foreign Mailing Address: Ensure all communication, including IRS correspondence, is sent to a foreign address.
  • Bank Accounts or Assets: Show proof that the trust holds foreign assets or operates in a foreign financial system.

5. Receive the 98 EIN

Once your application is processed, you will receive a 98 EIN, which indicates that the entity is foreign. The IRS will not have linked this EIN to any SSN, preserving the trust’s foreign status.

This EIN can now be used for the foreign trust’s operations, banking, and reporting to the IRS (if necessary) as a foreign entity. It allows you to operate with the trust’s legal and financial independence fully intact.

The Benefits of Obtaining a 98 EIN Without an SSN

By following this approach, Patrick Devine would ensure the foreign trust operates entirely outside of the U.S. domestic financial system, providing several key benefits:

  • Enhanced Privacy: The trust remains completely detached from your personal SSN, ensuring greater financial privacy and less government oversight.
  • Asset Protection: A foreign trust with a 98 EIN is harder to target by creditors or legal systems under U.S. jurisdiction.
  • Financial Sovereignty: The trust can manage foreign assets and interact with international financial systems, giving you more freedom in how you handle your finances.
  • Reduced Tax Liability: Depending on how the foreign grantor trust is structured, it could benefit from different tax laws, potentially lowering your overall tax liability.

Patrick Devine’s teachings on obtaining a foreign grantor’s 98 EIN provide a roadmap for those seeking financial sovereignty and asset protection. By carefully structuring the trust as foreign and avoiding the use of a U.S. SSN, you maintain a level of independence and privacy that is difficult to achieve through domestic means.

At WETHEPEOPLESHAREHOLDERS.com, we continue to explore and share these powerful strategies to help individuals reclaim their financial independence. If you’re ready to learn more about how to implement these techniques in your own life, stay connected with our ongoing resources and community discussions.

The Legend Patrick Devine

Legends should be remembered and not forgotten. The great teaching’s of Patrick Devine will forever be honored and practiced as he was so passionate about helping others break free from the shackles of a corrupt system that is meant to keep people enslaved.

One must be a courageous and bold to use the knowledge as the teaching’s from Patrick and payed forward as he would have wanted. Everyday there comes someone who is willing to risk their life for others as Patrick has done.

At WETHEPEOPLESHAREHOLDERS.com, we proudly feature a unique cartoon illustration of Patrick Devine—an image that not only embodies his teachings but also serves as a lasting tribute to his legacy. Today, we take a moment to honor the significance of this illustration and reflect on the man whose life’s work continues to inspire so many in the world of financial sovereignty and personal empowerment.

This is a copyrighted image owned by WeThePeopleShareholders.com. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of this image is strictly prohibited without prior written consent.

Why We Created This Cartoon Illustration

The cartoon image of Patrick Devine was designed with a purpose: to celebrate his groundbreaking contributions to financial independence and legal empowerment. Patrick Devine’s teachings have shaped the understanding of trusts, the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), and the sovereignty movement for countless individuals. We wanted to capture his essence in a way that is approachable, memorable, and true to the spirit of his work.

Capturing the Spirit of Patrick Devine

In this illustration, we aimed to represent Patrick Devine not just as a figure of wisdom, but as a person whose energy and passion have left an indelible mark on those who followed his teachings. The cartoonish style was chosen to symbolize his larger-than-life presence in the community, while also making his image accessible to people from all walks of life.

His distinct features—his white hair, light beard, and thoughtful demeanor—are portrayed with a playful touch, reflecting the simplicity and clarity he brought to complex legal concepts. This visual tribute encapsulates the impact he has had, helping to carry forward his message and ensure his teachings live on.

The Power Behind His Legacy

Patrick Devine empowered people to take control of their finances and legal standing. His insights into trusts, sovereignty, and reclaiming one’s rights within the financial system have been transformative. This cartoon illustration serves as a reminder of the man who encouraged us to seek knowledge and assert our rights in a world that often seeks to limit them.

Protecting His Image

Just as Patrick Devine advocated for the protection of one’s rights and assets, we protect the rights to this image under common law copyright. This cartoon is a special piece that reflects his values and contributions, and it is not intended for public use or distribution without our express permission. By safeguarding this illustration, we honor his legacy and ensure that it is preserved with the respect it deserves.

A Lasting Symbol

For us, the cartoon illustration of Patrick Devine is more than just a visual representation—it is a symbol of empowerment, knowledge, and the pursuit of freedom. Every time we look at this image, we are reminded of the journey he took and the pathways he opened for others. It stands as a tribute to his memory and as a beacon of the wisdom he imparted.

As his followers, we are committed to carrying his teachings forward, ensuring that his impact continues to resonate for future generations.

The cartoon image of Patrick Devine on WETHEPEOPLESHAREHOLDERS.com stands as a tribute to his life, his teachings, and his enduring influence on those who seek financial sovereignty. It captures the spirit of a man who helped so many realize their potential and provides a visual reminder of the powerful lessons he left behind.

We invite all visitors to explore his legacy further and continue learning from the principles that Patrick Devine so passionately shared with the world.

Legends Should Be Remembered, Not Forgotten


A.W.A.R.E’s Tribute To Patrick Devine

We’d like to take the moment to dedicate this post to Patrick Devine, a knowledgeable man who knew a lot about freeing ourselves from enslavement from the matrix. He held weekly phone calls, where he would come on live and speak his truth and share all the information he knew about how to free ourselves from the court and government enslavements we’ve been brought up into since birth. he spent years researching and testing methods and ways to get in control of the assets of our birth inheritance. 

We’ve been following Patrick’s teaching for a few years and are grateful to have had the opportunity to have worked with him. Many knew Patrick and have been following him for years, with great success with their applied methods. It was because of Patrick that we were inspired to offer EIN packages to help others easily obtain their estate and/or foreign 98 EIN. We’ve been able to help numerous of individuals obtain their EIN from the IRS, many of which were actually some of Patrick’s students! 

Patrick spoke a lot about various subjects from accessing your Depository Treasury Account (DTC) to authenticating your birth certificate, how to read between the lines of the Constitution, the laws and various documents; how to correct and clarify our status, probate court, the importance of obtaining estate and foreign 98 EIN, how to write a Bill of Credit, and much more. He also showed us how to decipher words and break down their true meaning according to Etymology. 

While many disagree with Devine and what he taught, the man was actually on point on many topics. When you comprehend what he was articulating in his teachings, you can utilize his knowledge to help you win in court and in foreclosure cases. 

It’s unfortunate that Patrick passed away of Leukemia on May 11, 2017. He was really unique and unlike many other teachers in the truth movement. He cared about spreading his information to as many folks possible and to share his information freely to the public. Those who took action and adopted his methods and paperwork have benefited a lot. 

Patrick gave us permission to share his documents, calls, and files on our website, which you can publically view here. It’s free for everyone to view and download as they please. Spread the word as much as possible. Note that not all of Patrick’s files and calls are on that page, but you can find more in his ‘We The People’ Yahoo group. Also, many of Devine’s students are in a private Skype group, which you can chat and discuss with other members of the group.